Google Mystery

Content writer

Google Mystery

Google Mystery is a school design project. The goal was to design a Google app that would motivate people to go outside.

I was in charge of inventing the routes.

My missions

  • Researching interesting routes. On websites and Google Maps, I looked for itineraries of any size with lots of interesting places for our players.
  • Inventing hints for the treasure hunt. In only a few lines, I wrote hints to help the app users find the next step of the hunt. They had to be brief and entertaining.
  • Finding the good wording. I wrote texts both adapted to that kind of game app and to Google's guidelines. I had to make it fun for the players to navigate the app.

What I learned

Fitting a company's style. Even though the subject was pretty free, we had to be careful about the app architecture and text, to make it in line with the other Google apps and not lose Google users.

Making entertaining texts. I discovered a new writing style: more than staying professional, the importance there was to making enjoyable content and improve users' walks.

This website was started with Mobirise site template